October 10, 2020, 8:23am
It already specifies the minimum version: Link
According to the documentation, that should prevent it from being installed:
I wonder if you know this trick - is perhaps one of the most hidden secrets of Blender. That way I could change some properties easily for multiple bones. However not easy to do on enabling Active bodies and such, it would lead to crashes. Something really good to consider if it can be solved somehow.
Yes, it is in the TODO list , but it is tricky because the add-on API does not give access to the bone:
My addon uses a PropertyGroup (which is attached to EditBone). This PropertyGroup has various update callbacks which are used to update the bone when a setting changes.
My goal is: if the user changes a setting it will only apply to the active bone, but if the user selects multiple bones and uses Alt, it will apply to all the selected bones. This is the default behavior of Blender.
Normally I would use self.id_data to solve this problem, but that does not work with EditBone.
Here is an exampl…
I copied Blender’s UI for rigid body and rigid body constraints, but I agree that grouping them differently would be better, so maybe I should make it different from Blender’s UI.