2024-09-10 Blender Admins Meeting


  • Campbell Barton
  • Dalai Felinto
  • Fiona Cohen
  • Philipp Oeser
  • Sergey Sharybin
  • Thomas Dinges


  • Release of 4.3 > to delay until December for the Birthday / Donation campaign?
    Do that for every year from now on?
    • The release is set to November 12.
    • It will be up for the donation campaign to plan itself around it.
  • Audio:
    • SDL - it will be disabled in releases.
      • Remove SDLEW
      • Stop building pre-compiled library.
    • JACK - would be good to have feedback on whether anyone actually use it
  • Extensions Python support:
    • Linux distros use other versions (only support bundled version)
    • We will notify that official support is only for the VFX reference platform pythons.
  • Investigate a new way of handling third party library licenses?
    • Current way has bad formatting (one of our dev fund patron doesn’t like it)
    • Error prone as information are scattered depending on the lib (website, readme, code…), easy to miss things
    • Proposal: Migrate to a manually edited markdown file. Also make it part of the library update process
      • People who update libs have to verify license infos are still correct
      • When adding a new lib, people have to add license infos to the attribution file
  • Known Issues:
    • Bastien and Sergey agreed on having a parent task per-module where known issues can be mentioned before they are closed.
    • Their proposal is to start on the modules they are involved in and show to other modules as examples.


  • Announce removal of SDL (Campbell)
  • Add a code in Blender to hide or inform about unsupported wheels (Campbell)
  • Add a note somewhere to make it clear that such wheels are not officially supported (Dalai - wherever we mention VFX)
  • Check with Amazon about OSS License Attribution (Dalai)
  • Previously: Campbell will move the Enum Naming convention to the official guidelines.
  • Previously: Sergey will communicate to maintainers of non-supported platforms that they will no longer be officially supported.
  • Previously: Thomas will update blender.org requirements pages regarding supported architectures.

The only use I can see is a future one: if ever the Sample Sound node or a similar one will allow realtime usage of an audio input (microphone, another software, an instrument, etc.), JACK will allow to route any input through that. I’m currently doing this in Blender using the external add-on AudVis, and it has a lot of potential for live, real-time music visualization using Geometry Nodes and EEVEE. It already works, even if currently it isn’t implemented natively. So, if anything, I wouldn’t close that door given that this could become a really cool future development.

Hard to argue here, finding this information can be a bit challenging at times.

I’m gonna go ahead and throw up a red flag here, license compliance is a legal issue, the platform module isn’t the place for such activities, we’ll happily assist with any tooling where possible but the responsibility for this has to lie elsewhere.