2022-10-20 Pipeline, Assets & I/O Meeting

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone is working specifically on alembic/USD camera importing, and also alembic/USD custom property importing?


Currently importing an alembic or usd camera with an animated focal length results in a camera with a single value (not animated) for the focal length. This means anyone working with matchmoved cameras from outside blender can’t import them for use in blender.

Custom Properties:

As far as I can tell, there is no reading of custom properties in blender’s standard alembic or usd imports - this is a very standard practice in a vfx pipeline - for example importing FX caches from houdini, would require custom shading attributes set in houdini to be readable in blender. I have managed to have some success importing custom properties on an alembic cache that came from maya, using the Nvidia ominiverse USD branch.

I have posted about this previously here:


I would be happy to test / help out in any way I can moving forward.

