Real-time Compositor: Feedback and discussion

Thank you for the quick reply!

Hopefully something that will be fixed soon, I’ll continue watching this topic for news.

Another quick question: is the ‘plane track deform’ working only with CPU compositor at the moment, correct?

Thank you for your time

No, it should be working for GPU as well. Though the results may not be 100% identical between CPU GPU.

Ok! So this might be useful:
When I use it I can’t see the image in the viewport, but if I switch to CPU then it shows only in the compositor

That seems like a bug, can you report it?

Sure, thank you for the support :slight_smile:

Oh nice, really looking forward to this !
Is there already a defined plan for what this evolved Glare node would look like ? Could we expect to be able to change the kernel used for the FFT (akin to what VRay’s VFB Lens Effects, Unreal’s Convolution Bloom and RealBloom are able to produce) ?

Pretty similar to what you linked. I was thinking as a first step, I would do what I mentioned in the following comment:

Allowing custom FFT kernels should be easy, so we can do that at some point indeed.


Oh dang, that looks pretty much exactly like what I was hoping, neat !
Really eager to see this implemented now, Thanks a lot !

One question, how do I activate GPU denoising in the compositor denoise node?


I take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent work you are doing! :slightly_smiling_face:

This is not yet supported unfortunately. But work towards that was started in: #115242 - Compositor: Enable GPU denoising for OpenImageDenoise - blender - Blender Projects.

It is not clear to me what the status of that patch is, so I will bring it up in the next module meeting.


Are there any plans to make bloom and glare not dependent from image size? Cause there are too big difference in a viewport and render.



I thought bloom was independent of image size already? I will have to investigate that.
For the rest of the glare modes, we don’t have concrete plans except for Fog Glow, since we will replace it anyways.

Quickly this myself, only Streaks and Simple Star are resolution dependent, all other modes give consistent results no matter the resolution.
Also while testing it Blender crashed randomly, so I’ll just send the log just in case something can be easily found (since I don’t believe I can reproduce this).
blender.crash.txt (49.6 KB)

The crash seems to be in the image editor, while drawing the image, perhaps when you are panning or something. It is unclear to me what might be causing it though.