"Principled v2" feedback/discussion thread

thin refraction doesn’t distort anything if the surface isn’t curved… The present distortions are due to Suzanne not being flat.

I’m fairly sure if you set the normal to incoming, all you effectively do is turn your refraction shader into a mix of a transparency shader and a “no shader”, mixed according to F0. At that point you might as well switch to that as that’s probably more efficient.

And I don’t think the roughness here is taken care of correctly, especially if you consider there could be IOR differences too (as is the case in my example above)

But anyways, that’s sorta the point: You can’t really do it fully “right” without it being built into shader nodes.

Hilarious timing, there’s mention of Thin Film.

@Jvry Just like you said, watching the changes in OpenPBR


Yes, nested dielectrics is high on my desired list.

No thin wall or nested dielectrics yet, but thin film iridescence has just been merged to main:


That’s fantastic news!

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@lukasstockner97 do you plan to add separate roughness control for Oren-Nayar or enable it when “main” roughness in Pricincipled is >1?

Diffuse roughness will be a separate control.


Rather than using the term “roughness” to describe diffuse roughness, I think it might be more precise and less confusing to label it “porosity”.

In the context of the Oren-Nayar model, roughness is more accurate since it models lambertian V-cavity microfacets, but I’ll have a look at what others use.


@lukasstockner97 do you have any ETA for thin-sheet mode?


Does Subsurface scatter now only show when a mesh has a volume or is closed?

Prior to Pincipled BSDF v2, it would show some sort effect on single sided meshes. But now it doesnt, am i correct?

Subsurface with Solidify ON

Subsurface with Solidify OFF