Gabor Procedural Texture Node

Maybe a stupid question but how can I continue to use this node.
Do I need to patch and build Blender myself in order to keep using it?
Are there maybe any automated recent patch builds. If yes how do I find them?

Is this patch still alive?

Is this commit the same thing as this tread? im trying to find examples to test the new noise.

The commit is a different implementation of the same idea, with some changes to parameterization and algorithm, and it exposes Value, Phase, and Intensity. It’ll be included in the coming nightly build, so you’ll be able to easily test it.


already compile it :slight_smile:
i see.
since its something new in blender i was trying to find examples to understand it, i saw a few videos talking about the gabor noise paper, its useful to kick start testing to have some examples to compare or understand the how to, if its a different implementation then i will start experimenting to see what i can do with it, im more on the side of the pixel pusher not much of a developer or math tech.
Thanks for the reply.

I will write its documentation today if that will help.


@NahuelBelich Documentation: Gabor Texture Node - Blender 4.3 Manual


Spectacular, thank you